Salaric Gardening and Wildlife

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Best Friends

The only issue with having re-homed bunny hops outside is that he and the black and white cats Hydrogen and Helium can no longer sniff and snuggle each other – they have come to some sort of compromise though 🙂

Helium and Fluffy becoming friends

Posted 11 years, 11 months ago at 9:20 am.

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Bunny Re-Homed Outside

Fluffy Bunny in the garden

Fluffy Obsidion, the rescue baby bunny we took on has been living in our kitchen but with weather improving and him not being so small anymore it was time he was moved out into the garden – into the run.

He loves it 🙂 He sits in his hutch like he owns the place. He doesn’t do happy jumps like Blacky did but he does race around and look interested in things.

Posted 11 years, 11 months ago at 9:14 am.

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Cute Blonde Bunny

Cutest blonde bunny rabbit

Primrose Vale Farmshop always has the cutest bunny rabbits behind the play area – at the moment they have the loveliest blonde bunnies – having sadly just lost our Blacky Buns to a cyst on the spin my little ones were rather taken with these blondies 🙂

Mary talking to the bunny

Posted 12 years, 2 months ago at 10:50 am.

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Dog Stake

Dog Stake

This lovely dog belongs to on of my husbands Cub pack helpers – I assume it is a whipet but am not really up on dog breds.

They came along to the end of year backwoods cooking in our garden and bought with them and amazing stake thing that screwed into the ground which they could then tie the do too!

I think this worked really well but only becuase it was a light framed dog who was very well behaved.

Posted 15 years, 6 months ago at 11:47 am.


Snake Skin

snake skin

I found this snake skin in the garden – this was a bit of a relief as we hadn’t seen any sign of the adders who normally live on the compost heap. Snakes shed their skins rather than a few cells at a time like us.

Here is the underside – note the scales are more rectangular than the top side.

Underside of snake skin

This is the top side and you can actually see the snakes patterning – I don’t actually know what type of snake this belongs too.

top side of snake skin

My little girl was a bit worried that it was a dead snake so we had to lots of explaining which ended up in some very interesting conversations.

Posted 15 years, 6 months ago at 10:26 am.

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Jean’s Carrot Harvest

Jean's carrot harvest

My little girl finally got to harvest her carrots which we then used for a stir fry for our dinner!

Posted 15 years, 6 months ago at 8:08 pm.

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Thank Rose – Red Dwarf

Thankyou red dwarf rose Red roses

Our friends Ulrike and Mike got us these lovely dwarf roses as a thankyou for letting them stay for my husband 30th birthday party! They not only had lots and lots of flowers only half of which where open when they gave it too us but we had it inside as our table flower for about 6 weeks before all the blooms went – it is several pllants which I am going to plant out into the rose bed I made last year – most of the roses I planted from similar presants have survived though I’ve noticed that once no longer pot bound they often decide they are not dwarf roses after all!

Posted 15 years, 7 months ago at 8:22 pm.

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Mr Fox

I was sitting in my little girls room reading to her when I saw what I initially thought was one of out cats coming to sit in the gully outside our house but it wasn’t it was a fox.

We rushed down stairs and without thinking I opened the front door to look and there was a fox with a largish bird in its muzzel on my front door steep staring at me!

Unfortunatly by the time I had my composure and camera it was high tailing it away.

Fox over the cattle grid Fox on the Run

Posted 15 years, 7 months ago at 2:09 pm.

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Missing Frog No 2

The other frog appears to have disappeared from Jean’s frogarium which is a shame the mark two tadpols are still swimming around in their happily and the pond snail is still munching the algea. My sinarious are a) they’ve climbed up the side and hopped away hopefully without encountering cats b) Hydrogen who had a tendency to watch them has eaten them as a kitty snack by fishing them out of the pot in which case I should have put a lid on the put (I hadn’t done this so that insects would get in as a froggy supper) or c) they have mysteriously died and been consumed by the mark 2 tadpols leaving no trace.

I’m going for option a) and as far as my 3 yr olds concerned it is a cat free a)!

The Froggarium worked much better than I was expecting though which is great and we will definatly be doing this again next year.

Basically it has taught Jean about animals and plants all being connected ie it needs the pond weed, the plant, the snail, water lavea and the tadpols to actually work without all of this the tadpoles simply die :/

I am waiting to see if the mark 2 tadpols actually turn into anything now – they do seem very very behind.

Posted 15 years, 7 months ago at 1:26 pm.

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Frog on the Run?

The frogs have been getting more and more climby and I can only see one in the Frogarium today :/ I have looked even removing the sitting stones and the plant but there is just no sign of it so I’m hoping it has climbed out and hoped away to saftey and is not residing inside one of the cats tummys!

Or behind the oven decomposing etc…

Posted 15 years, 7 months ago at 1:38 pm.

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