Salaric Gardening and Wildlife

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Portrait of a Cat

Cat portrait of Tom

I got a new camera 🙂 – I really loved the way these photos of Tom our ginger tom cat 🙂

Tom Puss and the Hose Pipe

Posted 11 years, 12 months ago at 9:10 am.

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Best Friends

The only issue with having re-homed bunny hops outside is that he and the black and white cats Hydrogen and Helium can no longer sniff and snuggle each other – they have come to some sort of compromise though 🙂

Helium and Fluffy becoming friends

Posted 11 years, 12 months ago at 9:20 am.

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Bunny Re-Homed Outside

Fluffy Bunny in the garden

Fluffy Obsidion, the rescue baby bunny we took on has been living in our kitchen but with weather improving and him not being so small anymore it was time he was moved out into the garden – into the run.

He loves it 🙂 He sits in his hutch like he owns the place. He doesn’t do happy jumps like Blacky did but he does race around and look interested in things.

Posted 11 years, 12 months ago at 9:14 am.

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