Salaric Gardening and Wildlife

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Easter Garden Fun

Today me and my duaghter Jean opened the easter egg pressant I had picked up for her in the reduced section of the super market. It was two chocolate eggs, and some marshmellows in a Peter Rabbit plant pot along with some carrot seeds and a little marker.

I got her to fill up the plant pot with potting compost and she sprinkeled a fraction of the seeds – the pot isn’t really big enough for one carrot but she liked doing the planting and talking about how the seeds would grow into carrots to eat.

She then watered the seeds in with her water can – which came with more chocolate eggs and marshmellows in and came from my perants – it leaks as its apparently just a toy oil can but Jean had a fun time non the less.

I’m going to put it on the window sill with the tadpols.

Posted 15 years, 10 months ago at 6:49 pm.

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Custard Apples

My friend bought us a custard apple which was a strange and new fruit to us.

We were so intreged by it that we’ve extracted the seeds and have potted them up in the hope that we will get some custard apple trees. These will be restricted to the green house I think and if they germinate I hope they can be dwarfed by pot binding them – I suppose only time will tell!

Posted 15 years, 10 months ago at 6:51 pm.

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